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How to Remove the Appeal of Pornography by Improving your Thinking

The ultimate goal is to CHANGE THE WAY YOU THINK ABOUT SEX!


How to Change

VICTORIES: A victory is happens when you choose connection and humanizing over objectification.  There are more examples of victories on our website under VICTORY.  Understanding these examples will help you measure what is  changing in your mindset, and how you are seeking to connect with others.  Change your view of sex and the desire to view pornography will be extinguished.


DIFFICULT vs EASY VICTORIES: Fight porn at the right time. When is the right time? It's not at night when you are alone and can't connect with anyone. Your fight with porn starts with your first prompt or trigger of the day. It's little moments and thoughts throughout the day that decide where your character is when the temptation of watching pornography comes. Easy victories come when you choose connection most of the day. Porn is so out of character on days like this that the battle is won pretty easily.  On days when you fuel objectified thoughts instead of connection based thoughts, victories are more difficult but not impossible. Start each morning determined to connect instead of objectify.


How to Use the Victory Chart

This chart will help you track and understand more about your prompts and triggers, your reactions and responses.  You can use the chart for internal and external prompts/triggers that might lead you to use pornography.


The Results

As you learn to be victorious you will find that pornography doesn't appeal as it once did. That is because you are changing your character by choosing to think about healthy sex. When pornography  becomes outside your character, it no longer appeals.  You will find yourself feeling connected to others instead of feeling disconnected and isolated.

Change Your View of Sex
What is a Victory?

A Victory is when you choose to think in a Connection-based way instead of entertaining thoughts of objectification.  Little moments throughout the day can lead you closer to connection or closer to disconnection (through thoughts of objectification). We say disconnection because objects cannot reject you. When you turn something into an object you are cutting off your ability to connect with that thing.  This is why it is so dangerous to objectify people. People are meant to be connected with not used as an object.  


Watch the video for more!

How to Use the Victory Chart:

We go into detail about how to use the Victory Chart to understand more about your prompts and triggers and how you react and respond to internal and external things that might influence you to use pornography. As you learn to be victorious you will find that pornography doesn't appeal as it once did. That is because you are changing your character by choosing to think about healthy sex. When pornography because outside your character, it no longer appeals and you find yourself continually connection with others instead of isolating to fake intimacy.


Watch the video for more!

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